Sunday, May 4, 2014

Thing #21: Animoto

Ok. Here is my attempt with making a Animoto Short.  I am trying to be positive about the upcoming experience. Let's see how it takes for me to do this. The time is now 8:16 pm. Well, it too long more than a hour. As I have said in the beginning of this blog, I tend to make all of the mistakes you can think of when first learning how to do something new.  At least we know the tradition continues.  Thank goodness!
My Animoto Video Creation

The Animoto application was not hard to do actually. I think I will use this with my future classes when I teach Spanish.  It would be a great tool for my class to perform skits or interviewing each other as though they were famous Spanish people in Spanish so my students could practice asking questions and responding.  There are so many possibilities.

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