Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thing # 7: Flickr

I chose option two for this posting. I do not like sharing my photos via any online application. I facebook account, but even then, those pictures are older ones and I haven't put any effort to continue to update them. For this activity I chose to take pictures of inanimate objects and not people. Sometimes it is just easier to do.  

This first picture is my attempt at being creative. I called it Perspectives of life through one window. This picture represents how one scenario can be viewed so differently by people from different walks of life.  The second picture is of some zombie sports figures we have at the house. I think they are hilarious. I am the Chicago Bears zombie cheerleader. DA BEARS!!!! The other two are my husband's favorite New York teams. The last picture is a welcome home sign my son made about three years ago. My husband was  coming home from a two year tour overseas. My son was in the third grade and he stayed up late making this sign to surprise him. We loved it so much we kept it up on the wall in our livingroom. It is a big part of our lives.
As far as, using Flickr for my future classroom, I think I could use it for a project with my seventh grade Spanish students. We could use it to explore pictures from Spanish speaking countries and their cultures. I could have them interpret what the picture is trying to convey about their traditions, history, and the like. Personally, I do not like having my personal pictures on a photo-sharing site, even though I can select a privacy option. I am not comfortable with it.


  1. It is wise to not be on social media, at least when concerning being an educator. Our students know technology probably better than we will ever know it. The have grown up with it and they can find anything. If we have something that is inappropriate or questionable sitting in cyber-land they will find it and exploit it.

  2. That is a major concern. It would just take a little thing for a teacher, or a teacher candidate like myself, to lose everything due to a misunderstanding or someone's idea of a joke. There is just too much at stake.
